Training & Supervising Analysts

The Training Analysts listed below are qualified to conduct candidates’ personal psychoanalyses.  A Training Analyst may have only one first year candidate in analysis and a total of three candidates in analysis at any given time.  In their role as Supervising Analysts they are available to supervise candidates’ psychoanalytic work.  A Supervising Analyst may only have one first year candidate in supervision and no more than four supervisees at any given time.
Miri Abramis, Ph.D.
Seth Aronson, Psy.D.
Mark Blechner, Ph.D.
Christopher Bonovitz, Psy.D.
Joerg Bose, M.D.
Sandra Buechler, Ph.D.*Allan Cooper, Ph.D.
Jack Drescher, M.D.
Darlene B. Ehrenberg, Ph.D.
Todd Essig, Ph.D.
Jerry B. Finkel, M.D.
Deborah Fraser, Ph.D.
Richard Gartner, Ph.D.
Daniel Gensler,Ph.D.
Mark Goldenthal, Ph.D.
Dodi Goldman, Ph.D.
Jay R. Greenberg, Ph.D.
Anton Hart, Ph.D.
Evelyn Hartman, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Hegeman, Ph.D.
Ruth R. Imber, Ph.D.
Jenny Kahn Kaufmann, Ph.D.
Sharon Kofman, Ph.D.
Sue Kolod, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Krimendahl, Psy.D.
Emily Kuriloff, Psy.D.
Jay S. Kwawer, Ph.D.
Robert Langan, Ph.D.
Edgar A. Levenson, M.D.
*Marylou Lionells, Ph.D.
Paul Lippmann, Ph.D.
William Lubart, Ph.D.
Raul I. Ludmer, M.D.
*James Meltzer, Ph.D.
Ira Moses, Ph.D.
Gilead Nachmani, Ph.D.
Pasqual J. Pantone, Ph.D.
Marcelo J. Rubin, Ph.D.
Nicholas Samstag, Ph.D.
Pascal Sauvayre, Ph.D.
Robin Shaftan, Ph.D.
Robert B. Shapiro, Ph.D.
Eric H. Singer, Ph.D.
Donnel Stern, Ph.D.
Steven Tublin, Ph.D.
Warren Wilner, Ph.D.
* indicates Emeritus and may not be available for consultation due to geographic and other consdierations