Personal Psychoanalysis

CandidaElizabeth Hegemantes are required to undergo personal psychoanalysis, known as a Training Analysis, as a means of attaining freedom from personality factors that would interfere with the ability to conduct psychoanalytic treatment.  Once accepted to the program, a candidate makes arrangements for his or her Training Analysis. The choice of a personal analyst is the candidate’s, not assigned by the Institute. The Institute maintains a roster of Training Analysts (see the current Training Analyst roster). Applicants who are engaged in an ongoing, productive treatment with a White Institute graduate (at least five years post-graduation) may apply to the Training Committee for a waiver of this requirement and permission to continue their personal analysis with their analyst. In addition, in some cases, applicants may continue treatment with Training Analysts of other institutes that have Training Analyst vetting procedures similar to ours. The Institute reserves the right to review the qualifications of a personal analyst selected by a candidate admitted to training. This analysis should begin no later than October 1st of the first academic year of candidacy.  This analysis is conducted at the rate of at least three sessions per week for the first 300 hours.  Because personal analysis is an integral part of training it is expected that the candidate will remain in analysis for the duration of his or her training. Under very special circumstances the Training Committee may permit a candidate to terminate his or her analysis prior to completion of training. In addition, the Training Committee may suggest an intensification of or return to analysis if this seems indicated by the quality of the candidate’s work.

Albert BantaIn order to preserve the integrity of the analysis, the candidate’s analyst is expressly excluded from participation in any administrative decisions regarding his or her analysand.  A Training Analyst may have only one first year candidate in analysis and a total of three candidates in analysis at any given time.

Unresolvable differences may arise in a training analysis.  After discussion with the analyst, the candidate may choose to go to another Training Analyst.  In that event, the candidate is asked to report any such change to the .  Consultation about changing analysts can be arranged with the Director of Training or a designated member of the Training Committee.

Fees for the candidate’s Training Analysis are arranged between the analyst and the candidate.  A portion of these fees may be paid for with the proceeds of the optional clinic fellowship