
Graduates of the White Institute’s programs are among the leading innovators and thinkers in the application of psychoanalysis to the individual, organizational and social problems of everyday living.  While the entire body of our graduates’ work is too great to include here, a portion of their groundbreaking efforts may be viewed by clicking on the links shown below.  In addition, researchers, scholars and the press are welcome to visit the White Institute’s archives and library, or meet individually with members of the White Institute community to discuss your interests.


Subscribe Today Contemporary Psychoanalysis, the journal of the William Alanson White Institute and the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society, is an international quarterly now in its 57th year of uninterrupted publication.  Here we offer lead articles from current issues and seminal works from its archives.


Graduates' Books and Publications Turn to this page for news about and publications by members of our community.