Clinical Services
William Alanson White Institute Clinic
Our Clinical Services: Founded in 1948, this award-winning low cost treatment center, served by highly skilled clinicians, provides affordable services to members of the community. Initially, services were offered to adults seeking psychotherapy and psychoanalysis; it has since expanded to include children, adolescents and their families.
Adult Treatment Services: The Adult Clinic offers general psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Psychotherapy is offered once or twice weekly. Psychoanalysis is offered to those who would like to work intensively for a minimum of three times per week. Fees are adjusted to the patient's resources.
Child & Family Center is directed by senior psychologists who have worked with children both in private practice and in a wide variety of settings for many years. All services are informed by an active engagement with families, schools, and other professionals who work with the child. A warm, open-minded and non authoritarian stance provides a felt cushion of safety which makes a difference to the people served by this Center.