Psychotherapy FAQ


Q: What if I am unsure about starting treatment?
Schedule an appointment  to determine if our services would be of help to you. After discussing your questions with a psychotherapist you may then decide whether or not to continue.

Q: What if I am in a crisis or there is an emergency?

You should call the nearest hospital or go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Q: How long will I have to wait for a therapist to be assigned?
Psychotherapists are usually assigned within a week of receipt of your application.

Q: How long are the sessions?

They are usually 45-50 minutes long.

Q: What if I do not feel comfortable or do not like the therapist?

You may request a new psychotherapist. The clinic wants to make sure you are comfortable with the clinician.

Q: How is the fee set and do you take insurance?

Once you obtain this information, you and the psychotherapist will set the fee following our “sliding scale” guidelines. We are unable to bill Medicaid or SSI.  If you have this coverage, please call the clinic for a referral.

If you call your insurance, tell them the White Institute has "out of network" psychotherapists on staff and that one of them will be spending 45 - 50 minutes with you each session.  The "procedure code" for the first session is always 90791.  The procedure code for subsequent 45 minute sessions is 90834.


Q: What if I have more questions?

Do not hesitate to call the White Institute clinic at (212) 873-7070.

How do I start the process?

Please complete the clinic application online or download a copy and send it to the White Institute Clinical Services, 20 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023.  You may also call the clinic administrator, Ms. Leila Sosa, at (212) 873-7070, or email here at more information. Once we receive your application we will contact you within the week.
Privacy and confidentiality are a primary concern at the White Institute.