Adult Treatment Services

The White Institute’s Adult Clinic offers psychotherapy and psychoanalysis.  Each of these programs is described below.  To apply for services in the Adult Clinic, please click here for a copy of the application.


Psychotherapy. The Institute provides individual psychotherapy, once or twice weekly, for up to forty weeks, at affordable fees.  Sessions are available from 8 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. with fees adjusted on a sliding scale or applied to the portion of the clinic fees that are not covered by your insurance.  After forty weeks, you may decide with your therapist if you would like to continue in the therapist’s private practice at a modest fee.  Click here for answers to frequently asked questions regarding psychotherapy at the White Institute.


We also offer group psychotherapy on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8 pm..


In addition, the White Institute’s Clinical Services offers treatment to meet the needs of the following individuals and groups:


Eating Disorders, Compulsions & Addictions

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Service

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy For Artists



Psychoanalysis. The White Institute offers low cost treatment for people who would like to work intensively for a minimum of three times weekly for at least one to two years.  Patients may be seen in our clinic or in the analyst’s private office.  Fees are adjusted to the patient’s resources.  Click here for answers to frequently asked questions regarding psychoanalysis at the White Institute.