About Us

Welcome from our Executive Director Elizabeth K. Krimendahl, PsyD, is the seventh director of the William Alanson White Institute since its founding in 1943.  Her welcoming orientation is reflected in this statement and in her leadership stance.


Our Mission The Institute's mission reflects its belief that people, through the enhancement of their own capacities, may more efficiently cope with the fantastic problems of being simply human.





Our History This history of the White Institute, written by Jay S, Kwawer, Ph.D., describes its origins, theory, and practice from 1943 through the present.  Five  other distinguished members of the Institute have written its history, all of which remain a vital part of  the Institute's archives and are available to researchers.


Administration & Oversight offers a comprehensive review of the governing bodies of the White Institute, its vital committees as well as the memberships of each of the groups.


Faculty The White Institute's large faculty is composed of scholars who have made important contributions to the field. Based primarily on the Interpersonal tradition,  their discrete offerings reflect diverse, carefully nuanced points of view that challenge students to exciting and thought-provoking reflection and inquiry, and add a hearty vitality to the learning experience.


Institute Societies Four societies presented here each reflect the strong, collegial bonds among members of the  White Institute community.  These groups work closely with the Institute itself and offer offer insights and suggestions designed to redound to the good of all.


Press Center The Press  Center is available to offer the  insights of some of the Institute's psychoanalytic thinkers and practitioners to the wider public community. Our distinguished members are available for interviews and panel discussions with representatives of journalistic and social media.


Directions & Lodging The Institute is located in a rich and culturally active area of the city, conveniently available to all transportation. This section will help you orient yourself.


Contact Us This directory of Institute staff and vital point persons will enable you to more easily reach the person who can help with your inquiries or comments.     


Support Us The White Institute depends on its generous supporters in order that it might prevail and thrive. This section will help you to join this extraordinary institution by contributing to its mission in any one of a variety of ways.