Institute Timeline
- 1943 – White Institute established as New York branch of the Washington School of Psychiatry
- 1946 – William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology incorporated under New York State Education Law as a not-for-profit educational institution
- 1948 – Low-Cost Psychoanalytic Clinic (one of the first in the United States) established, granted license by New York State.
- 1950 – White Institute awards first psychoanalytic certification to fully-trained clinical psychologist (at a point in history when the orthodox American Psychoanalytic Association continued to regard psychoanalysis as a "medical" specialty)
- 1951 – William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society established by Institute's first Director, Clara Thompson, M.D., to provide ongoing continuing educational and professional growth opportunities for graduates of the psychoanalytic training program
- 1952 – Harry Stack Sullivan Society founded as undergraduate professional and scientific organization for White Institute candidates in psychoanalytic training
- 1952 – Extension Division created to provide continuing professional education to related professions, including psychiatric nurses, non-psychiatric physicians, public school teachers, guidance
counselors, and clergy
- 1956 – Psychotherapy Service for adults established
- 1958 – Low-Cost Clinic expanded to include Counseling and Referral Service
- 1958 – Young Adult Treatment Service established
- 1959 – Division for Related Professions established, to replace former Extension Division
- 1962 – College Dropout Project, combining empirical research with provision of clinical service to college students interrupting their formal education
- 1963 – Union Therapy Project established, providing extremely low-cost clinical
services to address the mental health needs of labor union members
- 1963 – Clinical Services expanded to include low-cost psychoanalysis (three times weekly); psychotherapy for college students, young adults, and adults; family therapy; group therapy; and a private referral service
- 1964 – Contemporary Psychoanalysis founded as a quarterly international journal of scholarship, research, and opinion as a joint publication of the White Institute and the William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Society, its professional society of graduates of the training program in psychoanalysis
- 1964 – White Institute becomes a Founding Member of International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies
- 1977 – Continuing Professional Education Division established (replacing Division for Related Professions), ultimately enrolling over 250 professionals in various fields annually from mid-1970s through late 1990s
- 1982 – "Over Sixty" Clinical Service (subsequently re-named the Later Lifespan Development Center: The Wisdom Project) established for treating older adults
- 1986 – "One Week" and "One Day" seminars in Interpersonal Psychoanalysis offered to professionals from foreign countries and from outside the New York metropolitan area, resulting in ongoing professional training with colleagues from Norway, Sweden, Japan, Italy, and other locations
- 1990 – Program in Organizational Consultation and Development (subseque
ntly re-named Organization Program) established, offering two-year certificate program for executives and clinicians engaged in organizational consultation utilizing applied psychoanalytic concepts
- 1993 – HIV Clinical Referral Service established to provide affordable psychotherapy for people living with AIDS and HIV
- 1993 – Sexual Abuse Clinical Service established
- 1990 – Organization Consultation Service established as an applied research and training arm of the certificate training program in organizational work, providing services to institutions and organizations seeking professional consultation
- 1995 – Eating Disorders, Compulsions and Addictions Service established
- 1996 – Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program established, offering three-year postgraduate certificate program to qualify professionals in consultation, diagnosis, and treatment services to children, adolescents, and families (has evolved into the Child and Family Center)
- 1996 – Center for Applied Psychoanalysis established, replacing Continuing Professional Education Division, offering courses and seminars to qualified professionals whose work is facilitated by an increased familiarity with psychoanalytic concepts (psychiatrists, physicians, psychologists, social workers, members of the clergy, psychiatric nurses, teachers, and counselors.
- 1996 – Psychotherapy Services for People in the Arts established to help with difficulties encountered in the lives and work of performing and creative artists
- 1997 – White Institute formally amends its charter to extend postgraduate training in psychoanalysis to include doctoral-level clinical social workers
- 1997 – Infertility Service established to provide psychological services to individuals and couples struggling with problems of infertility
- 1999 – Japanese Psychotherapy Clinic established to provide Japanese-language psychotherapeutic services, reflecting a thirty-year relationship between the White Institute and teaching therapists in Japan
- 2001 – American Psychoanalytic Association awards its First Psychoanalytic Community Clinic of the Year Award to Clinical Services, William Alanson White Institute
- 2001 – Trauma Response Service established to address the needs of traumatized individuals, institutions, and organizations, and to provide public education on the psychological impact of traumatic events
- 2001 – Frieda Fromm-Reichmann Society founded as a professional and scientific organization for students and graduates of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program
- 2003 – Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program established, providing one-year certificate training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy for established, practicing clinicians, to make available a concentrated, practice-oriented educational experience to these clinicians who wish to apply an interpersonal psychoanalytic perspective to their work with patients
- 2004 – Mary S. Sigourney Award (given by the Mary S. Sigourney Award Trus
t, New York, to organizations and individuals for outstanding contributions to psychoanalytic education and research) presented to William Alanson White Institute
- 2006 – Living with Medical Conditions Service, provides clinical and referral services in conjunction with ongoing study group (established in 2002) to patients and their families affected by a medical diagnosis of chronic illness.
- 2007 – Immigrant and Refugee Program of the Child and Family Center, provides specialized clinical services for immigrant and refugee patients and their families
- 2007 – Autistic Spectrum Service for Adolescents, provides a range of clinical services for adolescents and their families affected by Asperger's and other mild autistic spectrum disorders
- 2007 – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Study Group formed to promote knowledge, sensitivity and awareness for clinicians who work with LGBT individuals
- 2008 – Suicide Bereavement Service, provides clinical and educational services, in conjunction with the Suicide Bereavement Services of NYC, to those whose lives have been affected by the suicide of a relative, friend, partner or parent

Since its founding in 1943, more than 470 postdoctoral psychoanalysts have been trained at the White Institute. Most of these have been M.D. psychiatrists and doctoral level clinical psychologists with Ph.D. or Psy.D. degrees.Several graduates have also come from other disciplines, like anthropology, philosophy, and clinical social work.
More than 190 of the nearly-325 living alumni of the White Institute's Psychoanalytic Training program continue to teach and supervise in the various programs and clinical services; their teaching and supervisory services are pro bono and unsalaried.
More than 100 professionals have thus far been graduated from the Institute's psychoanalytically-informed Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program and its Organization Program.
In 2008, the Institute's Clinical Services provided direct service to more than 350 patients, comprising over 6,500 hours of clinical service at modest, affordable fees, to an underserved, at risk population of mostly uninsured patients for whom such quality clinical services would otherwise be unavailable.