Current Issue Table of Contents

Subscribe TodayVolume 51, Number 3




Miltiades L. Zaphiropoulos, M.D.: In Memoriam

Jay S. Kwawer Ph.D.



The Greatness and Limitations of Erich Fromm’s Humanism

Mauricio Cortina M.D.


Relational Psychoanalysis as Political Resistance

Philip Cushman Ph.D.


When Two Foreigners Meet: The Relational Matrix of Shame and Internalized Homophobia

Shelley L. Heusser M.A.


Trace-Objects: Discovering Negative Identification in the Schizoid Transference

Stephanie Lewin Ph.D.


Bigenderism and Bisexuality

Mark J. Blechner Ph.D.


Morality, Selflessness, Transcendence: On Treatment Goals of a Spiritually Sensitive Psychoanalysis

Gideon Lev Ph.D.


Book Reviews

A review of Stay Illusion! The Hamlet Doctrine by Jamieson Webster. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 2013. 269 pp.

Nirav Soni Ph.D.


A review of Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst's Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional, edited by Steven Kuchuck. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014, 254 pp.

David H. Thurn L.C.S.W., Ph.D.


A review of A Question of Time: Freud in the Light of Heidegger's Temporality by Joel Pearl. New York, NY: Rodopi, 2011. 226 pp.

Lawrence Jacobson Ph.D.


Serious Play: A review of One Way and Another: New and Selected Essays by Adam Phillips. London, England: Hamish Hamilton, 2013. 395 pp.

Nicholas Samstag Ph.D.


A review of The Embodied Analyst: From Freud and Reich to Relationality by Jon Sletvold. New York, NY: Routledge,2014. 208pp.

Ingrid M. Geerken Ph.D.