Training Components

register todayPersonal Psychotherapy: Each student is required to be in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a psychoanalyst who is a graduate of an institute recognized by the program's Training Committee. Students are required to be in treatment two times per week (more than this is optional) for the entire three years of the training program.


Supervision: Students gain supervised clinical experience in
individual treatment and the challenges of working with parents.


Individual Supervision: Students are required to work with a supervisor during each of the three years of the program. For the first year the supervisor must be chosen from the members of the Executive Committee.  For the second and third years of training, supervisors are chosen from the list provided by the program.  Students will work with each supervisor for a minimum of 40 sessions; the cost is $60 per session.


Group Supervision: Students meet once weekly in a small group format to present cases, discuss treatment issues, and integrate theory with clinical experience.  This takes place during the third class period beginning in January of the first academic year.