Child & Adolescent Externship

The Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program (CAPTP) at the William Alanson White Institute invites applications for Child/Adolescent Externships for doctoral-level psychology students. Externs should be entering their fourth or fifth year of graduate training in September. We will be offering a total of four supervised externship positions. Interested candidates enrolled in APA-accredited Clinical, Clinical/School, and Counseling Psychology Graduate Programs who will have obtained their Master’s Degree (or equivalent) by September are encouraged to apply. Applicants must also have completed coursework in clinical and psychodiagnostic assessment. 


Applicants’ graduate schools are required to provide a fieldwork supervisor who is responsible for ongoing communication and liaison with CAPTP, professional liability insurance coverage for the clinical work of their graduate students, and a letter of agreement between the graduate school and the White Institute.  Acceptance to the externship is conditional on creation of such a letter of agreement prior to the start of the externship in September (this has always been easily arranged). Accepted externs must also supply evidence of their own professional liability insurance coverage, naming White as "additional insured," which is usually less than $100 in cost.


The extern positions being offered require a commitment of 20 hours per week from September through June. We can sometimes arrange for you to start therapy and therapy supervision two months early. Hours for required seminars will be Monday from 9 am to 1 pm and Thursdays from 10:15 to 11:30. Externs will work in the William Alanson White Institute’s Child and Family Center, which provides outpatient psychotherapy and other clinical services to children and adolescents, ages five to eighteen, and their parents. Typically, externs work with two to three patients in individual therapy, with substantial contact with parents and schools as needed. Externs will also do at least three psychoeducational evaluations over the year. Psychiatric and psychopharmacologic backup is available as needed.


These required seminars run through the year: 


• group supervision of psychotherapy (children, adolescents, parents)
• psychoeducational evaluation of learning disabilities and emotional problems
• child and adolescent development
• clinical topics


In addition to classes, each extern will work in two weekly individual supervisions: psychotherapy supervision with a licensed clinician, and testing supervision with a licensed clinical psychologist, supporting test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing.


The White Institute also offers a variety of other educational opportunities, including:


• case conferences on Tuesday mornings 
• monthly professional presentations offered by White’s graduate society on Friday evenings
• bimonthly colloquia in CAPTP
• We strongly recommend that students be engaged in personal psychotherapy during the externship program.


The application procedures are described on the next page. For further information about the externship, please contact Dr. Daniel Gensler at (516) 606-6373 or Two face-to-face interviews are part of the application procedure. Applications are accepted according to the guidelines; please refer to that website.