Financial Aid Policies & Application

All financial aid requests (including requests for scholarship assistance, loans, and tuition deferrals, reductions, or waivers) will be considered by a standing Financial Aid Committee consisting of the Director, the Director of Training, and the Director of Administration.  All such requests will be considered in confidence.


In keeping with the mandate of the Board of Trustees, any financial aid must be need-based.  In order to document financial need, applicants will be asked to provide with their request the following information:  most recent personal tax return, including all schedules and Forms W-2;  current pay stubs for all salaried positions held by all household members;  documentation of any unemployment insurance benefits received;  documentation of housing cost (current rent bill or mortgage/maintenance bills);  current tuition statement(s);  documentation of any outstanding loan debt (including educational loans), including loan note and current loan bill and statement of account;  schedule of trust funds, if any, including trust principal and current income generated by the trust.  In addition, the Financial Aid Committee may request further information from applicants seeking financial aid,  and applicants may document need by addressing areas not necessarily listed above.


Confidential applications for financial aid should be made in writing to the Director of the Institute, 20 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023. Applications are due September 1, 2022 for the 2022-23 academic year.


Please be aware that the Institute has limited scholarship and loan assistance available and most of these funds are subject to donor restrictions that the Institute is legally bound to honor.