International Outreach Seminars

The One-Week Seminars offered by the William Alanson White Institute are based on the Institute’s commitment to explore the role and tenets of psychoanalysis in the context of different cultures and nationalities. This Carola Manncommitment  builds on the writings, work and practices of some of the early founders of the White Institute, particularly Frieda Fromm-Reichmann and Erich Fromm who themselves came to the US from Europe and in turn taught not only American students but students from South America, Central Europe, Greece,  Central America and Japan.  As these students began to form their own analytic training institutes their training and supervision was informed by the interpersonal approach to psychoanalytic theory and practice. Having become acquainted with early interpersonal  literature, the various groups were increasingly interested in developing and  maintaining an active contact with the White Institute and its faculty. Over the past fifteen years the One-Week Seminars have succeeded in increasing international contacts between the White Institute and these various international groups both in terms of week-long seminars but also in terms of individual invitations to White Institute faculty to lecture and supervise in countries such as Norway, Japan, Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, and Germany, among others.



Typically a One-Week Seminar is initiated at the request of a particular group in consultation with the Director of International Outreach and the Outreach Committee. Most often the visiting group will present its wish list regarding topics and faculty. Once the time for the week-long event has been decided (taking  into consideration holidays, conflicting major psychoanalytic meetings, space availability at the White Institute) the Director of the One-Week program matches faculty and topics.  The week features 15 presentations by different faculty members each lasting 1 1/2 hour, including discussion. There are coffee breaks during the day and a simple lunch will be provided on most days. Wednesday is an exception since the afternoon is left open for visitors to take advantage of their stay in New York.



On Tuesday mornings the visitors are invited to attend the weekly Institute-wide Clinical Services meeting where a therapist presents a treatment case followed by discussion  or where  a member of the larger White community presents a work in progress.



The week begins with a welcome by the Director of the Institute. It also features a welcoming party on the first evening of the program as well as a party at the end following a wrap-up and evaluation session.  The wider White Institute community is invited to the parties. A Certificate of Attendance for the Seminar will be issued to each visitor. The cost of the program is in keeping with major Psychoanalytic meetings of the year in question.  Given the complexity of the program a minimum enrollment of 15 mental health professionals is desirable.  All presentations are in English.  The faculty is asked ahead of time to supply one reference relevant to his or her talk.  These references will be sent to the person in charge of the visiting group so that the material can be read ahead of time.



Individual supervision can be arranged with the understanding that fee and time arrangements for this are left to the respective visitor/faculty dyad.



For more information, please contact Carola H. Mann, Ph.D., Director of International Outreach, at