Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (IPPP)

THE 2022-2023 INTENSIVE PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY PROGRAM (IPPP) will meet in person on Thursdays from 7:15PM-10:00PM from September 29th, 2022 to May 11th, 2023.

The Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (IPPP) is a 28-week, practice oriented training program designed for working clinicians who wish to learn the Interpersonal psychoanalytic perspective.  Students will deepen their clinical work and practice applying new theoretical concepts to clinical situations. Through theoretical coursework, clinical case seminars, individual consultation and the peer experience, clinicians will learn to approach their work with an increasingly sophisticated psychodynamic sensibility.  Graduates from IPPP are eligible to join the Contemporary Clinical Seminar without an additional application.





Thursdays, October 6th, 2022 to May 11th, 2023


Weekly training consists of three key elements: discussions of theory, small group case seminars and one on one weekly clinical consultation. The 28-week program is comprised of four modules, each seven weeks in duration, and each with a different instructor. Students work with a total of 8 different instructors over the course of the year and thus benefit from the Interpersonal perspective taught by a broad base of  interpersonally trained psychoanalysts.  The theory class is 75 minutes long, followed by a 15 minute break and then the small group case seminar for another 75 minutes.



Theory Classes


7:15PM – 8:30PM 


Module 1: Consultation and Beginning a Treatment

Module 2: Child Development and Adult Psychotherapy 

Module 3: Key Concepts in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Module 4: Listening, Formulating and Intervening



Group Case Seminars


8:45PM – 10:00PM 


The small group case seminars provide the opportunity to apply the Interpersonal perspective to clinical material presented by students. These group case seminars are similarly divided into four modules of seven weeks, each with a different instructor, and develop the material taught in the theory classes.


The IPPP program fosters collegiality and involvement in the overall Institute community.  During the course of the program, all IPPP students are invited to take part in various activities such as the Institute’s Tuesday morning Clinical Education Meetings, the White Society Colloquia and ongoing Study Groups (including LGBTQ, Race, Sexual Abuse, Artist, Psychoanalysis). Additionally, participants will receive a complementary online copy of the Institute's internationally acclaimed journal, Contemporary Psychoanalysis.



Individual Consultation


Weekly individual consultation sessions are included in the tuition, generally between 10:00am-4:00pm in the private offices of members of the program faculty.  Consultation sessions outside of these hours can be made available through mutual agreement between the faculty member and the student.  When both agree, consultation may also take place via videoconferencing.





Orientation : 
September 29, 2022 at 7:15 pm


Module 1:
10/6; 10/13; 10/20; 10/27; 11/3; 11/10; 11/17
Thanksgiving break 


Module 2: 
12/1; 12/8; 12/15;
2 weeks Winter break holiday
1/5; 1/12, 1/19; 1/26


Module 3: 
 2/2; 2/9; 2/16; 2/23; 3/2; 3/9; 3/16


Module 4: 
3/23; 3/30;
Spring break
4/13; 4/20; 4/27; 5/4; 5/11


Graduation : May 14, 2023



August 31, 2022-Regular admission deadline ($100 application fee)

*After Labor Day contact program director





For any additional information, please contact program Director: Ines McMillan, MSc, LP 




Tuition, which includes individual consultation,  is $3,950 and is nonrefundable.




Please complete the application form online with a $100 application fee paid via PayPal. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis as they are received. The application process also includes a personal interview.


Applicants are required to carry professional liability insurance and to provide their own psychotherapy patients for consultation.

Admission preferences will be given to New York State licensed mental health professionals whose licensed “scope of practice” includes the practice of psychotherapy, either privately or in institutional settings.  Other psychotherapists possessing a different educational background may also apply.


Applicants’ level of famliarity with psychodynamic thinking and personal experience in psychotherapy or psychoanalysis are considered in the admissions process.  Because being in individual treatment contributes positively to doing good clinical work, we strongly recommend students be in their own treatment to maximize the benefit of the training program. 




The William Alanson White Institute's analytic position is Interpersonal. This position was shaped by the founders' belief, radical in the 1940s, that the individuals' experiences with significant others and the surrounding culture were critical to their personality development. Interpersonal technique and theory, with its emphasis on the continuous co-participation and mutual influence of the analyst and patient upon one another, was seminal in the development of what is broadly called relational psychoanalysis. IPPP lectures, group case seminars and individual consultation all  highlight Interpersonal work with patients.




A certificate of completion of coursework is awarded at the end of the course and 70 CME credits are available (17.5 credits per module).


Students who complete the IPPP training are eligible to join the Contemporary Clinical Workshop




IPPP Learning Objectives



First Quarter: Learning Objectives- Consultation and Beginning Treatment


1. Students will be able to discuss the importance of the therapeutic frame (i.e. space, time, money) for safety, and creating psychic boundaries around the treatment situation.

2. Students will be able to understand the place of the patient’s cultural context and ints influence on subjective experience and the therapeutic relationship.

3. Students will be able to define “detailed inquiry” and discuss its role in data gathering in both the initial consultation and in later elaboration of the patient’s ongoing subjective experience. 

4. Students will be able to reflect on their countertransferential experience to understand the patient’s dynamics and inform interventions.

5. Students will be able to discuss the interface between consultation and the beginning of psychotherapy treatment.



Second Quarter: Development and Adult Treatment


 1. Students will be able to discuss the importance of a developmental perspective in the treatment of adult patients.

2. Students will be able to describe attachment styles and how to utilize this information in adult treatment.

3. Students will be able to understand the importance of mentalization in early experiences with caregivers and in the adult treatment setting.  

4. Students will be able to incorporate issues of culture: family background, gender, class, and ethnicity and how these and other aspects of culture may impact development over the lifespan.

5. Students will be able to apply developmental theory to the therapeutic relationship.


Third Quarter: Learning Objective: Key Concepts


 1. Students will be able to explain primary conceptual differences among three basic psychoanalytic models (relational matrix/interpersonal, developmental arrest, and classical drive/conflict) with respect to the patient-analyst relationship and therapeutic action.

2. Students will be able to discuss different concepts of transference/countertransference among the three models, how different concepts affect therapeutic action, and how they use these concepts in their own work.

3. Students will learn about the concepts of enactment and regression, how enactments and regression are embedded in the transference/countertransference matrix, and how enactments and regression may be used to focus therapeutic action differently depending on the model.

4. Students will be able to discuss the concept of resistance from different angles depending on the psychoanalytic model they are using.

5. Students will be able to discuss differences between the conceptualizations of the “unconscious” in different models, as well as distinctions between the concepts of repression and dissociation and their applicability to contemporary work with trauma.



 Fourth Quarter: Learning Objectives: Listening, Formulating and Intervening


 1. Students will be able to describe at least three of the following approaches to psychoanalytic listening: classical, interpersonal, object relational and  self-psychological.

2. Students will be able to explain how different psychoanalytic orientations influence what the therapist listens for and to in a session. 

3. Students will be able to discuss how listening bias influences what is interpreted or not interpretated in a session. 

4. Students will be able to discuss at least three types of intervention including: inquiry, content interpretation and process interpretation or counter-transference use.

 5. Students will be able to describe ways in which their listening skills have changed over the course of this module.

Learning Objective: Group Case Seminar

1.  Students will explore the usefulness of closely following their awareness of shifts during sessions.

2.  Students will reflect about ways in which countertransference can be of use in informing interventions with their patients.

3.  Students will be able to discover alternative formulations of clinical data.

4.  Students will be able to discuss issues including sexuality, race, culture and societal contributions to dynamics within the treatment setting.