Faculty & Supervisors

CAPTP Executive Committee

Jacqueline Ferraro, D.M.H., Director

Lisa Dubinsky, Psy.D., Co-Director Admissions and Recruitment

Susan Fabrick, L.C.S.W., Co-Director Admissions and Recruitment

Daniel Gensler, Ph.D.,  Director of Training

Robert Gaines, Ph.D., Director of Curriculum

Stacey Nathan-Virga, Ph.D., Director of Special Programs

Susan Rose, Ph.D., Director of the Child and Family Center

Marcelo Rubin, Ph.D., Director of Long-Distance Learning




Seth Aronson

Faculty and supervisors are graduates of the White Institute and other centers of advanced training, each of whom is distinguished by a particular area of expertise. The Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program’s faculty and supervisors are listedbelow.


Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program
Faculty & Supervisors

Neil Altman, Ph.D.

Seth Aronson, Psy.D.

William Baker, Ph.D.

Ron Balamuth, Ph.D.

Kenneth Barish, Ph.D.

Jill Bellinson, Ph.D.

Patricia Bellucci, Ph.D.

Sarah Bench, Ph.D.

Christopher Bonovitz, Psy.D.

Richard Briggs, Ph.D.

Sheila Feig Brown, Ph.D.

Alizah Brozhold, Ph.D.

Etty Cohen, Ph.D.

Jennifer Cohen, Ph.D.

Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D.

Ailish Coughlan, LCAT, ATR

Nancy Crown, Ph.D.

Lisa Dubinsky, Psy.D., M.S.W.

Carol Eagle, Ph.D.

Susan Fabrick, M.A., C.S.W.

Jacqueline Ferraro, D.M.H.

Tomas Casado Frankel, LMFT

Anne Fribourg, Ph.D.

Robert Gaines, Ph.D.

Richard Gartner, Ph.D.

Karen Gennaro, MD, MBA

Daniel Gensler, Ph.D.

Todd Germain, L.C.S.W., OTR

Dodi Goldman, Ph.D.

Mara Heiman, L.C.S.W.

Tammy Kaminer, Ph.D.

Constance Katz, Ph.D.

Sharon Kofman, Ph.D.

Elizabeth Krimendahl, Psy.D.

Maria Lakis, L.C.S.W.

Jo Lang, Ph.D.

Tara Liberman, Ph.D.

Jill Leibowitz, Psy.D.

Marylou Lionells, Ph.D.

John Mathews, Ph.D.

Vanessa McGann, Ph.D.

Andrew Morrell, Ph.D.

Gilead Nachmani, Ph.D.

Stacey Nathan-Virga, Ph.D.

Beryl Nightingale, Ph.D.

Amy Pacifici, LCSW

Wendy Panken, LCSW

Pasqual Pantone, Ph.D.

Daniel Pilowsky, M.D.

Billie Pivnick, Ph.D.

Susan Rose, Ph.D.

Sherry Ross, Ph.D.

David Rowe, Ph.D.

Marcelo Rubin, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Sacks, D.O.

Pascal Sauvayre, Ph.D.

Gary Schlesinger, Ph.D.

Elaine Seitz, Ph.D.

Robin Shafran, Ph.D.

Stanley Spiegel, Ph.D.

Sarah Stemp, Ph.D.

Annalee Sweet, Ph.D.

Steven Tuber, Ph.D.

Neal Vorus, Ph.D.

Susan Warshaw, Ed.D.

Sara Weber, Ph.D.

Samuel Weisman, Ph.D.

Margit Winkler, Ph.D.

Debora Worth, L.C.S.W.

Eva Young, ATR-BC, LCAT