Low Cost Psychotherapy Supervision Service

Diane Goldkopf, Ph.D., DirectorThe Low Cost Psychotherapy Supervision Service is a unique opportunity for New York State licensed mental health professionals in private practice to work together in supervision with an experienced interpersonally/relationally-oriented psychoanalyst from the William Alanson White Institute.


The program is designed for practitioners who wish to expand their clinical skills and develop their personal treatment style within a supportive and reflective supervisory relationship. Psychotherapists at early, middle and advanced levels of experience and career development are equally encouraged to apply. Individual supervision in collaboration with a qualified faculty member of the White Institute will be responsive to the goals and needs of the particular supervisee.


The service is intended to enable you to work with a wider patient population, explore the interplay of transference and countertransference, and deepen your grasp of psychodynamic case formulation. Issues to be addressed can include: differential diagnoses; the therapeutic contract; stages of treatment; enactments; transference and countertransference; and therapeutic impasses and stalemates.


The Low Cost Psychotherapy Supervision Service is not in itself a postgraduate training program. Instead, each supervision experience will build upon the supervisee's previous understanding of clinical theory and process and offer alternative up-to date perspectives on therapeutic action.


Prerequisite: Applicant's licensed scope of practice must include the private practice of psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. The applicant is required to document professional liability insurance and current New York State license registration.


Program Outline:

·Schedule to be mutually agreed upon


·Supervisory arrangements will be honored up to 40 sessions a year


·$100 Application fee (non-refundable)

·$90 per session

·No other fees


·Supervisors are not responsible for third party payment or licensing requirements.


Additional Information: Contact Diane Goldkopf, Ph.D., Director of the Low Cost Supervision Service, at (212) 397-0699 if you have any questions about supervision with White Institute faculty.


Program Committee

Diane Goldkopf, Ph.D., Director
Izzy Eliaz, Ph.D.
Mara Heiman,L.C.S.W.
Arlene McKay, Ph.D., ABPP
Alan Slomowitz, Ph.D
Janet Tintner,Psy.D.


Toni L. Andrews, Ph.D.
David Appelbaum, Psy.D.
Sivan Baron, L.C.S.W.

Janet G. Benton, Psy.D.
Lori Bohm, Ph.D.
Judd Bortner, Ph.D.
Ann Chanler, Ph.D.
Lisa Dubinsky, Psy.D.
Susan Fabrick, M.A., L.C.S.W.

Cynthia Field, Ph.D.
Jerry Finkel, M.D.
Anne Fribourg, Ph.D.

Stephen Friedman, L.C.S.W.
Karen G. Gennaro, M.D.
Daniel Gensler, Ph.D.
Todd Germain, L.C.S.W., O.T.R.

Richard Gartner, PhD
Diane Goldkopf, Ph.D.
Don Grief, Ph.D.
Skye Haberman, Psy.D.
Elizabeth Halstead, Ph.D.
Anton Hart, Ph.D.
Mara Heiman, L.C.S.W.
Ruth Imber, Ph.D.
Jenny Kaufmann, Ph.D.
David Koch, Ph.D.
Robert Langan, Ph.D
Jesse B. Levine, Ph.D.

Vicente Liz, MD
William Lubart, Ph.D.
Karen Marisak, Ph.D.
Neal May, Psy.D.
Anne Malave, Ph.D.
Arlene McKay, Ph.D.
Gilead Nachmani, Ph.D.
Gudrun Opitz, Ph.D.
Daniel Pilowsky, M.D.
Helen Quinones, Ph.D.
Melissa Ritter, Ph.D.
Lisa Robin, Ph.D.
Katerina Rothe, Ph.D.

Lisa Wallner Samstag, LCPSS
Sarah Schoen, Ph.D.
Susan Shachner, Ph.D.
Howard Shapiro, Ph.D.
Eva Teirstein Young, LCAT
Martin Walker, Ph.D.
Stefan Zicht, Psy.D.


To Apply: Download the appropriate form below and send it along with the required documentation to:


Meghana Giridhar, Registrar

William Alanson White Institute

20 West 74th Street

New York, NY 10023

(212) 873-0725, ext. 26

e-mail: m.giridhar@wawhite.org


Supervisee Application