LGBTQ Psychotherapy Service

How to Apply for Treatment


Download the application and send a completed copy to:


William Alanson White Institute Clinic
C/O LGBT Psychotherapy Service
20 West 74th Street
New York, NY 10023


You may also call our office at (212) 873-7070 for more information.


We make every effort to arrange an intake interview as quickly as possible. In the event that we are unable to accommodate your specific needs, we will provide a referral to an appropriate institution or clinician.

The William Alanson White Institute LGBT Psychotherapy Service

20 West 74th Street, NY, NY 10023

Questions? Please call: (212) 873-7070


The LGBT Psychotherapy Service provides low cost psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, and anyone who may be questioning or exploring their sexuality. The service extends a long tradition at White of offering service to the gay community, beginning in 1993 with the creation of the HIV Center, which provided crucially needed mental health services to a community then being ravaged by AIDS.


Our therapists are skilled professionals with advanced degrees, each with expertise in the unique challenges LGBT people face – both current struggles and those remaining from childhood and adolescence. Many of the service's members have played active roles in championing the needs of the LGBT community within the psychoanalytic community and beyond.


Some of the problems our clinicians could be helpful with:

  • Depression, anxiety, or overwhelming excess stress
  • The coming out process
  • Relationship issues (dating, long-term relationships)
  • Family problems (family of origin, family of creation, parenting problems, divorce)
  • Career problems/workplace issues
  • Living with HIV/AIDS (including sero-discordant relationship issues)
  • Childhood trauma and/or sexual abuse
  • Substance abuse and sexual compulsions
  • Organizational Consulting (several members of our community can provide expert consultation to LGBT organizations that might be facing a range of problems particular to having an LGBT focus and mission.)


The White Institute offers a variety of services and therapy to address problems including eating disorders, compulsions and addictions, and child and family issues. As a result, we offer the unique ability to integrate these resources within the LGBT Psychotherapy Service for specialized treatment and consultations. At present we offer treatment through our adult clinic only; however, we plan to offer services for LGBT families, their children and LGBT teens in the near future.


How the clinical service began:

The White Institute is host to one of the most exciting and dynamic LGBT study groups in the NYC analytic community. Established in 2006, this study group, with its multidisciplinary focus, maintains a commitment to expanding our understanding of LGBT lives and enhancing our ability to provide the best treatment to this vital community. In 2010, the LGBT Psychotherapy Service was established by a cohort of study group members. This allowed us to extend the White Institute's mission to provide the highest quality therapy at an affordable cost. We also provide training and consultation to the broader White Institute community to enhance their ability to provide treatment that is well sensitized to LGBT issues.


What is the William Alanson White Institute?

Founded in 1948 and based on the psychoanalytic theories of Harry Stack Sullivan, the William Alanson White Institute is uniquely renowned among psychoanalytic institutes for its commitment to providing affordable psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to the local community. The White Institute distinguished itself among psychoanalytic institutes early by emphasizing the social and familial forces that impact individual problems in living. Sullivan's work is distinctive in its commitment to addressing the destructive impact of stigma and marginalization on human development, experience and relationships. The LGBT Psychotherapy Service extends this institutional tradition-- that began with its early reputation for questioning conventional wisdom--by examining the ways that social forces can negatively impact the lives of LGBT people.


The LGBT Service

Frank MarroccoDirector: Frank Marrocco Ph.D
Albert Banta, Ph.D.
Eugenio Duarte, Ph.D.
Deborah Glazer, Ph.D.
Diane Goldkopf, Ph.D.
Ruth Imber, Ph.D.
Suzanne Little, Ph.D.
Victoria Malkin, Ph.D.
Jonathan Wormhoudt, Ph.D


Contact Us Today

The William Alanson White Institute established its award-winning, low-cost treatment center in 1948 to provide affordable psychotherapy and psychoanalysis to members of the community. Since that time, thousands of individuals and families have been served by our highly skilled clinicians. Download the application or call (212) 873-7070 for more information.